Technical Information
What are the different types of Singing Rock Harness Buckles?
Posted by Jemia Zagiel on
Singing Rock has created a few different options of buckles for specific needs. Here is a quick run down of the features of each one! EASY-LOCK BUCKLE Unique SINGING ROK buckle with a sliding captive bar matches strict American standards (ANSI, CSA) Its minimum strength is 17.2 kN no webbing slippage in a buckle its construction ensures longtime operation and efficiency (easy releasing and fastening even when dirty and tough webbing) corrosion resistance is tested by spraying in a salty chamber for a period of 48 hours SPEED BUCKLE 1 second side quick release buckle by SINGING ROCK easy operation ...
Features of the Safe Tec Duck-R
Posted by Jemia Zagiel on

You know how back in the day if you wanted to "download" a song, you would have to turn on the radio function on your ghetto blaster, insert a blank cassette tape, and then press record when a good song came on? Well back in the day, Rope Techs used the Shunt as the go-to back up device. But then change happened when the Shunt was reviewed not only by the manufacturer (Petzl), but by the rope access trade association (IRATA), and the rope access community. And the result was that the Shunt was no longer suitable for rope access work. Mayhem...
Features of the Petzl IDs
Posted by Jemia Zagiel on

When I took my IRATA level one, I was so focused on practicing maneuvers during the week that I didn't give enough study time to learning my gear. To be honest, I took it for granted. I didn't think it was a big deal even though Don told us to study. So, when it came down to my assessment, I was like a deer caught in the headlights when my assessor asked me to tell him about the Petzl I'D, the descender on my kit. "'s yellow.." Hahaha..just joking. I wasn't that unprepared. It's obviously gold and black. "Hmmm..he says, why...